January 23, 2020 A Daily OccUrrence
I opened the card from my friend and my eyes were immediately drawn to the words, "WRITE...WRITE...WRITE...WRITE...WRITE...WRITE...WRITE!!!" and also a scripture referencing the word 'write'. Along with the card, I was given colored pencils and notepaper; more reference material to 'write' on and with. I had received this gift at a workshop the other day. We all brought a gift, picked a number out of a basket, and chose accordingly to our number. I was lucky enough to draw the # 1. I walked to the table of gifts and knew right away which one I would choose; the feathers on the wrapping and the words "there is hope" caught my attention immediately. This "random" gift exchange was becoming less random by the minute. You see, feathers represent protection over my life and I believe with all my heart that 'there is hope.' And just to be clear, I believe these to be true so much that I have feather AND hope tattoos! And...back to the writing portion...I remember loving to write as a child; I wrote stories, poems, small books, journal entries, entered a couple of contests....but teenage activity took over (that is another story altogether;) and I stopped writing, got married, had kidlets, lived life....Fast forward to today; I have been encouraged in a couple of ways to "communicate" and "write" alongside my images. So I listened. I started this blog. I am now writing again. I will keep listening to that 'still small voice' of encouragement. I will keep my eyes and ears open to see and hear what is spoken to me about the subject of writing. There have been too many "coincidences" over the past year to even call them that. I like to call them 'you-can't-make-this-stuff-up" incidences....