February 14, 2020 A Daily Occurrence
Have you heard of this thing called 'the struggle bus'? I'm riding it today. I am permanently strapped to a struggle bus seat and I can't get out.I was going to go into all the details {some things are better left unsaid on the interwebs}, all you need to know is that I have cut down/cut out coffee for the well being of my health!!!!!!!!!! {sorry for yelling} Do you know how much I love this magical black potion of deliciousness? How it makes me feel? How I basically wake up in the morning to celebrate that the timer thingy worked on my coffee machine so I can fill my cup immediately? I sound like I might be a bit dependent on it? DON'T ANSWER THAT.....
Also: Lent and how it has changed for me and it's not even Lent yet.......I was explaining the other day that there's no need to get all engrossed in the "rules" of Lent such as giving something up for 40 days and focusing on God's goodness instead......well now my foot is in my mouth, because as circumstances have dictated, my guess is I will be giving up coffee. It seems like perfect timing right? Because Lent starts this month and, well, perfect timing.....NO! There is no perfect timing to give up coffee LOL.
But in all honesty, I feel blessed to know this may help in my wellness journey. Soooooo...pray for me and all the people around me, because: struggle bus.
Lent is going to look different than I thought. I feel like having a mini tantrum. Yep. Like a 3 year old.