February 25, 2020 A Daily Occurrence
Twas' the night before Lent, and all through the house.....who am I kidding? I can't make all the thoughts jumbling around in my head rhyme! What I know: tomorrow is the first day of Lent and I am removing something from my life and adding something. For all my years as a Believer, this will be a first for me: to observe and pay attention to the 40 days leading to Easter {Easter is a big deal in the Christian calendar}. I designed a little something to keep things moving {a set of cards with 40 days of scripture readings}. Some of you opted to journey along too!
When did I become so religious you ask? I did not. I do hope to become more aware through this though. Aware and open to what He has to say over the next 7 weeks. !!!!7 WEEKS!!!! Can I even do this? You know I'll keep you all updated right? In the meantime, cheers to my last cup of "life in a mug". For the next 40 days anyway. I'm doing if for the sacrifice. Also for my health {that's another story found a few blogs back....} Not a coincidence that the timing is seemingly lined up with his Lenten season..........