February 5, 2020 A Daily Occurrence

It's a pin cushion.
Poked and poked and poked and poked.....
Over and over and over and over.....
Pin after pin after sharp pin......
"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always."
This meme appears almost daily on my social media feed somewhere.
Because it's true.
The cashier at the grocery store who smiles but is not happy.
The teacher at your kids' school who has witnessed the unimagineable.
The lady at the coffeeshop who can't speak, because if she does, her tears would not stop.
The people under your own roof-am I right or am I right?
The impatient driver behind you flashing their lights to get by on a snowy highway.
The obvious guy/gal with their hand out on the street corner-WHAT HAS HAPPENED FOR THEM TO ARRIVE THERE?
EVERY person is or has or will fight a battle that is hard.
For some it will feel like poke after poke after poke.
Can't get a break.
Tragedy, heartache, injustice, illness, heartache, tragedy, injustice......
Poke, poke, poke.
Over and over and over.
Pin after pin after sharp pin.
Be kind to one another {Ephesians 4:32}
Walk in love {Ephesians 5:2}
Walk as children of light {Epesians 5:8}
Hug that mama who needs to be held together in your arms for a few minutes.
Smile back and offer a kind word to the cashier.
Pull over to let the impatient driver by.
Show compassion for school staff.
Give what you can to the lost soul on the sidewalk.
That is all. Enjoy spreading your love today.

Ingrid StevensComment