February 8, 2020 A Daily Occurrence

I've been thinking a lot about boundaries lately. It's one of those words that floats around recovery rooms, therapy appointments, conversations with friends and well-meaning social media posts. But what does it really mean and how do we set them.....how do we live them out with love.
The dictionary says:
Boundary{noun}: a line that marks the limit of an area; a dividing line.
Hmmmmmm.....that's easier to implement in some scenarios than others. Because you see, a line is not a wall, a gate or a barricade. A line can be crossed. A line can be blurred. A line can be trampled on. So back to my question; how do we set, convey, speak out clear boundaries? Clear lines? I know for me, I had to learn what is acceptable and true for me. Is that easy? No. Do I love standing up for what protects me in unhealthy situations? No. It actually makes me squirm on the inside at times....because I want to people-please (another topic for another post), just smooth things over, so that confrontation is not an option. So I pray. What is my part? Show me the line clearly. Teach me to lean on You from my side of the boundary line. Guide me to love through it all. Sometimes we have to stand WITH someone on their side of their boundary. In support. In love. Is this easy? No. But you can do it. I know you can, because I have. I have drawn lines and stood in love. I have stood with others behind their lines in love. It's important to note that setting boundaries is not mean. Awkward at times? Yes. But not mean. Why do I point this out?
Because: love.
Ask to be shown how to do it in love.
Ask to be shown the words to say, the actions to take.
For me? It all comes back to love.....even when I go back and forth over the boundary line a few times, say things I shouldn't say and do not show love.
But hey....practice not perfection.

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