January 1, 2020 A Daily Occurrence

Do you make New Year's Resolutions? I used to. I remember all sorts of promises I would write to myself in my teenage journals at the beginning of each year. Lots of what I wrote revolved around exercise and eating; what I was going to do/not do to change what I looked like. Today? I have to admit I do feel a sense of excitement that a new year has arrived-for business opportunities, personal growth....and lighter days. But in all reality each day is just that: a day. I do feel a theme coming on though. The word/act/feeling/definition of LOVE has been rolling around in my heart and head for awhile now. My friend sends me a daily devotional every morning and part of today's was this:
"What if I simply commit to love? Make this year about people. Choose love."
One. Day. At. A. Time.

Ingrid Stevens2 Comments