January 17, 2020 A Daily Occurrence
I have a few questions to ask you.
First: How are you? Like, really, HOW ARE YOU? If you answered anything else other than "Oh life is grand and I'm having the most awesome time," I'd like then to ask: what are you doing to face the hard thing? Because I know from experience that ignoring and stuffing the hard stuff only saves it for later. I know beyond a doubt that the hard stuff doesn't disappear without some work. The work for me consisted of some practical tools: therapy, 12 step meetings, rest, yoga, crying, laughing, PRAYER......What practical action or actions are you participating in? I know it's not easy to get well, feel better, get happy, NOT cringe anymore when certain memories bubble to the surface. But I also know that working on the hard stuff is so worth it when the healing begins, rises up and becomes a reality. What are you doing to heal a bit more today? I have known that turning to my Faith, to the One that never leaves me or forsakes me, has been the piece of the puzzle that completes my healing. Do you believe in something greater than yourself? Someone that holds all your tears, fears and heartaches so you don't have to?
Now I'll ask again: HOW ARE YOU? What are you doing to face the hard thing? What practical action or actions are you participating in? What are you doing to heal a bit more today? I'd love to hear from you if you feel comfortable sharing.