January 25, 2020 A Daily Occurrence
I opened my bible to have 2 Kings 25:29 jump from the page: "So Jehoiachin changed from his prison garments and he ate bread regularly before the king all the days of his life." Why did this passage stand out for me? Because whoever this Jehoiachin was (soooo many old testament characters I'm not familiar with LOL) was given the opportunity to take off his prison rag garments, alter what he WAS wearing and PUT ON palace garments and eat with the KING all the days of his life. I need that reminder at times. When thoughts, feelings, circumstances surround me like a prison....I have the opportunity, the choice, to strip that muck off and put on a garment of freedom, alter what I'm 'wearing', change out of the 'rags' and turn to the One who sets me free.