July 7, 2021 One Day at a Time
The tears start before I even come to a complete stop as I park at our local soccer field this afternoon. Not to watch a game or practice~there are no players on the field~but to feel. Hi, I'm Ingrid, and I have a lot of feelings about a lot of things. Did you know that experiencing grief is not only about losing someone to death? I am here to tell you that grief is also about losing things from life that were there and now they are not. The soccer experience was a part of our lives for many years. Through rain, snow, wind and blistering heat we watched, cheered and visited at practices and then games. And then it was..............not. No watching, cheering or visiting. I would do anything to feel cold toes 10 minutes into the first half. Or have an umbrella pop inside out from wind, or laugh with other parents.............
And then.....the wind picked up as I sat in my car. A lovely breeze through one window, over me, then out the other. Peace. So many wonderful memories to think back on. Peace. Into my mind, stay awhile, then onto another. Just like that lovely breeze today.
******Am I the only person feeling this way about at least one thing that halted over the past year and a half? If I am: oh well. I have learned that what I am feeling is real. To me. I'll be sharing more about this journey as it unfolds. If you feel comfortable, I'd love for you to share something/someone that you have lost over the last while. Are you taking care of yourself? Are you ok? Do you have someone to talk to?