June 29, 2020 An Occurrence

Dear Blog,
I have missed you..............for those that are new here, I sometimes pair a little bit of writing to an image. Have a read. Let me know your thoughts.
Ask me. Ask me what the words "carry feathers instead of bricks" means to me. Are you curious? I will tell you.....
A couple of weeks ago I was feeling heavy. You know the feeling. Heavy in spirit. a.k.a. blah. "This" was weighing on me. "That" was weighing on me. I was carrying things that were heavy. As I was walking through this I pictured the feeling like I was carrying a backpack filled with bricks. This brick said "this". That brick said "that". Those bricks were "that situation".....you get the picture. My backpack was heavy. And full. I prayed about it and then left it in His hands. That was in the morning............fast forward to that evening I was heading to bed. I was feeling different. Lighter. Peaceful. Another picture came into mind. This time? A BACKPACK FILLED WITH WHITE FEATHERS. There were so many of them they were poofing out the top and falling all around me. The heavy bricks were gone. The load was light now. I don't know how these things happen. They blow my mind. I can't explain them, because the comprehension is not this world comprehension. The coolest thing? This story is not just for me. I have been able to share with a few people. And they can relate too. So be encouraged. If bricks can transform into feathers for me.....they can for you too.

Ingrid StevensComment