March 14, 2020 A Daily Occurrence
I have a story to tell.
Many moons ago an event happened for me. An event that didn't show up in my memory until a few weeks ago. I drove by a location I had passed many times over the last couple of years and BAM! there was the memory. And along with it came shame and generalized ick. I had actually wondered why my anxiety went up as I drove this same road many times in the past. Now I knew and could pinpoint the anxiousness that bubbled up for me. But I was determined to battle it away. So the next time I drove past the location titled "Shame and Ick" I prayed. And do you know what flew over my car as I was praying? A WHITE DOVE CARRYING A TWIG! I can't make this $&%# up people. A white dove? You don't see that everyday in my neck of the woods.
A white dove: a symbol of peace and promise.
No more shame and no more ick. Set free a little bit more.