March 25, 2020 A Daily Occurrence
Anyone out there struggling to get into a groove/routine/slight degree of normalcy? I have some news: there is no groove or normalcy. And I'm not saying that to bring you down. It's just the truth right now. I think we all know that.....
Here are some things that have helped me along these last few days.
One day at a time.
*I set my alarm. I get up each morning to a new day. Don't know what news awaits. But I get up.
*I read my bible. My faith is growing during this time.
*I have a shower and get ready for the day. Don't get me wrong-I'm not in full make-up each day. What I mean is that I get out of my pajamas into "day clothes".
*I eat regular meals.
*I get outside. Every day. Even it it's raining. I felt a bit cooped up yesterday and then a few deep breaths outside and all felt ok again.
*I sweat each day. Exercise has always made me feel better. Sweating is good for our bodies.
*I limit how much news I'm taking in. This has been a learning curve as I noticed my anxiety rises when I'm overloaded with too much news. It's a work in progress.
*I relax. All those things I was busy with before? They are obviously not that important. My mind has shifted into thinking less can be more beneficial in this life.
*I talk to someone outside of the household. On the phone. Or Facetime. I've never been more thankful for technology.
For such a time as this I am thankful.
Most of the time.
Also a work in progress.