September 5, 2020 An Occurrence

The thoughts come and go. Behind each thought is a recent phrase or story or event. They don't all come at once, but when they do some are stickier than others...I found myself with more than a few of these thoughts the other day. They were ping-ponging back and forth in my head. They had begun to pile one on top of the other and were weighing my mental health down. This happens to me from time to time. I expose myself to an over abundance of news, Facebook, social media in general....and it all becomes too much: too sticky. So I unplug physically and mentally. I watch a show that doesn't require a lot of brain power. Or I pick up a book to carry my thoughts in that direction. Or I go for a walk to the beach. I definitely pray...but that is often not the first direction I go in #iamaworkinprogress. So if anyone else out there is battling an overwhelm of thoughts during the ups and downs of our world right now: it's o.k. I understand. Some of us just hold the good, bad and ugly a little tighter than others. This image is a true representation of the inner workings of my mind. Creating it has helped me process all the 'sticky'.
Feel free to comment with your words that stick in your thoughts.

Ingrid Stevens