January 13, 2020 A Daily Occurrence
"A lot can happen in a year." I saw this quote the other day and could feel the truth of it sink into my bones. 2019: HEALING.
Someone close to me chose to get well, and his choices were a catalyst for me to look at some hard things and peel back some more of the "onion" as they say. Part of the healing process for me was to create some art; tell a story with an image. Sometimes things "appeared" in the image that I did not put there: hearts, words, faces, crosses, wings, figures......I can't make this stuff up people. What I am sure of now: freedom is absolutely possible and God is real. I don't think it's a coincidence that my latest tattoo is a butterfly {it's not quite done-you know I'll show you when it is;)}. The symbolism of the butterfly has always held meaning for me, but it wasn't until this last year that I can truly say I have experienced on some level a transformation of sorts; from what I believed about myself to who I ACTUALLY am.