January 9, 2020 A Daily Occurrence
I have been gifted with various camera shaped pieces over the years; clocks, ornaments, photo holders, mugs.........I LOVE them all. I know who they came from, so often times think about the giver. And what is my answer when people ask me what I do? "I'm a photographer". And then we chat about the fact that weddings are NOT my thing, but I enjoy taking photos in basically any other situation. I then ask what they do and we chat about that. But I had a thought the other day: what if we started asking, "WHO are you? If all the things you DID were taken away.....what would you look like then?" What would my answer be....what would your answer be? I'm chuckling to myself, because mostly these conversations happen in the changeroom after yoga class, or when I start chatting with another Mama in the grocery line up....so maybe some might find having these deep conversations in social environments just too much. But if you're reading this, and you run into me somewhere, I'm ok with whatever happens. Heck, there are times when the day has been long and hard, and I'm praying that I can just pick up the bunch of bananas and get home to be quiet. Let's just be honest with each other-don't want to chat? I can respect that.